The present study aims to present the importance of the preservation and availability of the
audiovisual production as a source during the construction of an institutional memory of the
University through the case study of Núcleo de Memória Audiovisual — NuMA (in English,
Audiovisual Memory Core) — of the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ — Universidade
do Estado do Rio de Janeiro). The research has been conducted with a qualitative approach
based on the specific literature analysis and appraisal about audiovisual preservation, uniting
the theme to the experience of the creation of NuMA and its impacts on the fields of
institutional memory and the divulgating of UERJ as the fabricator of its audiovisual
assembly. This work presents the history of the maker and executive sector of these
productions, the Educational Technology Center (Centro de Tecnologia Educacional - CTE),
placed at the former Videoteca, current NuMA, as the curator of this collection throughout the
management of the audiovisual memory. This research presents the case study of NuMA,
analyzing the formation of its collection, the construction of a safe repository of the physical
media storage and the focus on the cultural and scientific promotion of the University’s
activities. This work also approaches the importance of an audiovisual memory congregation
and its preservation in a University’s scope, dealing with obstacles and difficulties, besides
cruising in the opposite technological direction as it holds obsolete equipment in times of such
ephemeral visual consumption. It identifies NuMA as a preservation agent and as also a
collection holder for scientific dissemination. The study concludes searching for a dialogue
between the restored memory and its constant formation.
Banca examinadora: Soares, Maria Luisa Ramos de Oliveira, (FCRB), (orientadora); Carvalho, Claudia Suely Rodrigues de (FCRB), (banca), Wanderley, Sonia Maria de Almeida Ignatiuk, (UNIRIO) (banca); Dias, Claudia Cristina de Mesquita Garcia (banca).