The Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa (FCRB) expresses in its mission its commitment to
the preservation and dissemination of brazilian cultural memory. Traditionally, this
institution keeps the collections considered valuable for society, either by the documents
themselves or by the importance of who gathered them. The bibliographic collection,
stored in the Serviço de Biblioteca of the FCRB, is constituted by several types of
documents, among them the cordel leaflets, that will be treated in this work. These
constitute a rich source of information, with accessible and popular language, which
allows its access both by the public and by academics, from its development in Brazil to
the present day. As an objective, this work seeks to study the aforementioned collection,
which corresponds to the most consulted digital material in the Library Service, aiming
to recover its trajectory, organization and dissemination. In order to reach it,
bibliographical researches were carried out with authors in the cordel area, as well as
using the works published by the FCRB itself. There were also interviews with cordel and
institution scholars, as well as some consultations with the FCRB institutional archive.
With the conclusion of this work, it is intended to present to the community an evocation
of the memory of cordel literature in the FCRB, which has no defined organization.
Finally, the list of presentations made based on this search is displayed. As a result of the
dissertation, are founded the time line related to what happened with this theme in the
institution, as well as two tables summarizing the publications and events held by the
Banca examinadora: Ana Lígia Silva Medeiros (FCRB) (orientadora); Carmo, Laura Aparecida Ferreira do (FCRB); Guedes, Vânia Lisbôa da Silveira (UFRJ).