Samuel Wainer was an essential character in the history of the Brazilian press, so much so that his public life is confused with the events of political history of the country. The journalist founded the in 1951 with the support of Getúlio Vargas. The innovations implemented as the modernization of diagramation techniques, colloquial language, the widespread use of photography has enabled us to achieve a public success by arousing the fury of its competitors, especially the Diário Associados, of Assis Chateaubriand, and the Tribuna da Imprensa, by Carlos Lacerda. Another evidence is the political proximity with President Vargas that is identified in the pages of the journal, with the interference of the President in the content to be published and the highlights for matters of interest to the government with populist and labor appeal. At the same time, the Última Hora opened space for popular participation with the column Fala o Povo na Última Hora that received the tickets of the readers complaining about everyday problems and thus allowed the broadening of the voice of the population.