This work has the aim to study the brazilian society quotidian betweem 1940 and
1946, analysing the fictional production broadcasting in National Radio station of Rio de
Considering the state interference in those years on the cultural production, the work
links the relationship between radio and State - represents by Press and Propagand
Departament (DIP), the Ministry of Health and Education and Ministry of Labor - during
the 1930s and 1940s. The radio broadcasting context was examined from other social
agents: the radio announcer, the press and literature.
Working with the notion of broadcast "campus" we studied how the radio station
operated. Some quotidian questions as the work relationship, the "old" and the modernity,
the war, the nazism are reconstituted from the radio broadcasting scripts (at disposal in the
National Radio archives), based on quantitative and qualitative analysis, and articles about
radio in the current periodical.